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Yesterday & Tomorrow


Created for the Festival "Deutscher Oktober" Tirana (AL) in October 2010 for the 20th anniversary of the fall of communism in Albania and the East of Germany with the support of the "Deutsch-Albanische Kultugesellschaft ROBERT SCHWARTZ" and the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). Premiered at "Albania Dance Meeting 2011" in Durres (AL).

Choreography: Katharina Maschenka Horn


Mateo Nushi - Labinot Rexhepi - Ardit Logu - Klaudia Zace - Elona Zyberi - Katharina Maschenka Horn

Advisor: Gjergj Prevazi

Music: Hanns Eisler, Hildegard Knef, Albanian Folk Music "Kenge per Ali Pashe Tepelena"

Photos: Tristan Sherif

K A T H A R I N A  M A S C H E N K A  H O R N

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