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touch of MADNESS


a collaboration project with Nemanja Mutić (BiH) and the musicians Jan Günther (D) and Jan Novosel (HR)

Based on their own life stories and life settings, Nemanja and Katharina create an image of the situation in the world today. They share, confront and question their traditions and cultures, the problem of communication and understanding between different cultures and different genders, in view of the past and current political and social situations in their home countries.

For the teaser of the show, please click here

by and with: Katharina Maschenka Horn, Nemanja Mutić

Music: Jan Günther, Jan Novosel

Light Design: Sanja Gergorić

Photos: Emilien Leonhardt, Jan Novosel

with the support of Goethe Institute Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sarajevo, LLB - DANCE Works! Co-Production (supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the EU), Nomad Dance Academy, Station - Service for Contemporary Dance Belgrade, Tala Dance Centre Zagreb and ECF

with special thanks to DOCK 11 Berlin, SARTR - War Theater Sarajevo, Dom Omladine Belgrade, National Library Bosanska Kostajnica, National Theater Mostar

K A T H A R I N A  M A S C H E N K A  H O R N

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